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Proverbs 29:18
‘Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’
The vision of Regeneration is a five-fold ministry, which is aimed at realigning people with their original Mandates. Mathew 28: 19- 20 instructs to go into the world to make disciples of Jesus Christ. The dead situations are revived like the ones in the valley in Ezekiel 37 being revived to a strong army of Israel. Those who have lost hope can find hope in this Regeneration Centre. A group of Apostolic and prophetic people gather to release the life and strength into the lifeless to function in their gifting. The Shepherds and Teachers develop sound knowledge and understanding of Biblical principles to the people to make them true Disciples of Christ. The Evangelists are key to developing the fire of evangelism in the people. They stimulate groups of people to go and bring the lost to Christ to be taught and sent. The result is a people equipped and empowered to function.
In the Centre you will find different ministries, which contribute to fulfil the corporate vision or mandate. These include youth (trail blazers), the worship team (intercessors), the men of vision, women of excellence, and Sunday school (olive plants).The church is the bedrock of the Centre whereas Jesus is the chief cornerstone where everything is anchored on 1 Peter 2. There are also professional ministries which are supportive to all ministries; the counselling, health ministry, teaching, business developers, accountancy and administration.
The bedrock of Regeneration Centre is The Word of God, Worship, Fellowship and Discernment. Prayer ties all the activities in Regeneration Centre. This is a Spirit Filled Centre, which professes The Father, Son and Holy Spirit reality. The Regeneration Centre is an Oracle of God. People who visit find life in God. The Kingdom of God is expressed there and in individual people’s lives.
Regeneration Centre has a multinational church which is a fivefold ministry Ephesians 4: 11-13. It embraces the apostolic and prophetic doctrine. We believe the Bible is the Word of God and God inspired it. It is Infallible We believe that God is the creator of the whole universe. He is Spirit and those who worship Him should worship Him in truth and in Spirit. We believe in the Trinity, God the father, the son and Spirit as one. Jesus (Emmanuel) God among us came to redeem us from the curse of sin/ fall of Adam. When He ascended to Heaven He sent down the Holy Spirit who is operating in us/ through us expressing different gifts to benefit and empower the body of Christ, which is the Church Universal (Catholic) for the Kingdom of God to be realised here on Earth 1 Corinthians 12.We believe in receiving Jesus as our saviour by confession of the mouth and believing of the heart Romans 10: 9- 12. We believe in water and Spirit baptism John3: 5, and speaking in tongues Act: 2. As Christians we are marked by Love, as Jesus is love so we express this attribute through charitable works of different kinds 1 Corinthians 13. Our Regeneration Mandate as a church is gathering people to become mature Christians, these are saved people who have acquired substantial understanding of the Word of God through preaching, teaching, mentoring and practicing.
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Vision and Mission Statement
Redeem, Revive, Restore and Realign people with their original mandates
Reaching the lost through preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ
Building strong family structures on the foundation of the Word and prayer
Identifying, training and releasing people to function in their maximum potential
Core Values
Excellence: displaying Kingdom standards in everything we are doing
Caring: for the needs of people
Love: demonstration of the character of Christ
Passion: our driving force.
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We believe the Bible is the Word of God and that God inspired it, it is infallible. We believe that God is the creator of the whole universe. He is Spirit and those that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
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